The Sinful Woman When a prostitute makes her way into Simon's dinner party and starts making a scene at the feet of Jesus, He uses the moment to teach us an…
The Encounter During one of his many journeys, on a hot dusty day, about noontime Jesus sits down by a well in Samaria and waits for His disciples to return. As He waits a Samaritan…
Baptism Baptism, as any Baptist will tell you, is profoundly significant in it's symbolism. Going down under the water to be raised up again as a new believer tells a…
"Gory to God in the Highest and on earth peace on who His favour rests." God desires we have peace with Him. A peace that assures us His favour indeed…
In his letter to the Colossians the Apostle Paul delivers a strong correction to any notion that "religion" is a substitute for the gospel. In this brief letter Paul holds…