Love And God's Invitation (To Obey) The Christian faith is not about knowing a bunch of rules, but knowing God. We are saved not because we are holy, but because…
God Pursues Us In Love God makes the first move. It’s God who speaks, who visits, who invites, who calls us to join Him. Of course, this makes perfect sense…
Sanctifying Grace Both legalism and licentiousness (two wrong ways to try and live the Christian life) have at their root the same error. Both view God as demanding and ungenerous, who…
The Love Of The Son God the Father loved us uniquely by initiating His plan to satisfy his perfect justice by offering Himself as a perfect sacrifice. It is…
Jesus didn't fixate on behaviour, lifestyle, respectability, class, culture, or anything else in the offer of his love, and he calls us to love as he does. Taken from four…