Based on two years of research and engagement with over 50 leaders, Nick Adams summarizes the message of hope the church can hold out to the post-millennial generation, Generation Z;…
When mankind sinned against God, His first action was to step in and offer hope. Immediately. The first words out of His mouth were literally a curse on our enemy…
Israel was a nation surrounded by nations and a culture that sought after many false gods. There were gods to success, appearances, sport, war, wealth, family, promiscuity and the culture…
The Apostle Paul writes: "Father's, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged." Simple, right? The goal of Christian father's is clear: raise up children who are not discouraged; and hey,…
We will never face a night like Jesus faced, but we all go through our own Gethsemane moments when our strength seems exhausted and the trial seems impossible. In His…