The Unmerciful Servant Peter was feeling pretty religious when he suggested to Jesus he would forgive someone seven times! But Jesus goes on to tell a story of true forgiveness…
Communion Remembered In 1 Corinthians 11, the Apostle Paul offers a not-so-gentle correction to the church on the right practice of communion. During this service as we took communion we considered, verse by…
Everyone needs healing. Illness, depression, anger, loneliness, anxiety, addiction, pride, greed, unforgiveness, sin. Our need for healing is deeply personal and, properly, an important part of our relationship with God.…
King David failed spectacularly and very publicly; the worst sort of sin, that literally sickened him with regret and guilt for months on end. And then he wrote a song…
It is not inconsistent with the Christian life to feel fear, and anger over betrayal. In Psalm 55 we look at David's reaction to betrayal at the hands of his "equal,…