Passing The Test Of Suffering
Group Discussion Starters – 1 Peter 4:12-19
Peter continues his theme of suffering with an explanation of what to suffer for, and what we should suffer for. What not to be ashamed of, and by inference – what we should be ashamed of.
Have someone read aloud 1 Peter 4:12-19 making note of what Christians should expect to suffer for, and what they should not suffer for. Also what they should not be ashamed of, and what they should.
Consider the list of verse 15: murderer, thief, evildoer, meddler. What are some things that stand out about that list, considering who Peter is writing to, then considering the types of behaviours in the list.
Read 1 Thessalonians 2:12, then Titus 2:15. Then consider: how does Peter’s instruction to not be a “meddler” work with other verses that tell us to exhort, and even rebuke? Read James 5:19-20 to weigh the importance of our involvement in the lives of other Christians. How can you apply both sides of the teaching in your behaviour?
In verse 16 Peter tells us to not be ashamed of suffering as Christians. There is certainly a bad kind of shame, but also a good kind of shame.
What kind of behavior should make us ashamed? Does it?
Are you ever ashamed about your faith in Christ? What kind of actions or behaviors might give evidence that a person is ashamed of Christ?
How does Peter say we should respond when we suffer for Christ? How could we do that?
What is one area/situation in your life where you can be bold for Christ (instead of being ashamed?)
What do we learn about God from verse 19?