Crisis Of Belief The dictionary tells us a 'crisis' is a point in time when an important life or event-altering decision must be made. It's synonyms are turning point, crossroads,…
Resurrection - What Does It Mean? In C.S. Lewis' famous book "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" the lion Aslan offers himself as a willing sacrifice in the place…
God's Will And Our Prayer God invites us to come to Him in prayer, to bring our burdens and to bring our needs to Him. It is such a gracious invitation we…
Love And God's Invitation (To Obey) The Christian faith is not about knowing a bunch of rules, but knowing God. We are saved not because we are holy, but because…
God Pursues Us In Love God makes the first move. It’s God who speaks, who visits, who invites, who calls us to join Him. Of course, this makes perfect sense…