Parable Of The Talents In Matthew 24-25 Jesus tells a series of stories that all teach a different aspect of "waiting". The master, the groom, the landowner, is returning and…
Workers In The Vineyard God is like a generous estate owner, who is always going out into the marketplace of the world inviting all kids of people to join Him. He…
The Unmerciful Servant Peter was feeling pretty religious when he suggested to Jesus he would forgive someone seven times! But Jesus goes on to tell a story of true forgiveness…
The Pharisee And The Tax Collector When we stand before God, our sin is not actually our biggest danger. God has a solution for our sin, and it is available to everyone willing…
Rejoice We conclude our whirlwind tour through Nehemiah and our examination of the rebuilding and reformation of God's exiled people. Just like Israel, our redemption and restoration begins in repentance, it…