The Rich Man and Lazarus What happens after we die? Do we just disappear? Do we all get the same reward? Does what we do and what we believe in…
The Rich Fool How much is enough? It is a very simple, yet unspoken question that lies behind the parable Jesus tells to thousands of listeners. Is it wrong to…
The Encounter During one of his many journeys, on a hot dusty day, about noontime Jesus sits down by a well in Samaria and waits for His disciples to return. As He waits a Samaritan…
The Good Shepherd (Minden) Confronted with crowds of people confused and divided over who He was, and the meaning of His miracles, Jesus tells another parable for them to connect…
The Good Shepherd (Lakeside) In John chapter 10, facing a crowd of Pharisees that scoff at his claims, and crowds of onlookers who are in need of hope, Jesus tells…