Perseverance In The Pit Joseph is alone, falsely accused, a slave now thrown into prison, and the years are passing by. We can sometimes relate to that. We are falsely…
Scott and Patsy Buhler Scott & Patsy Buhler serve in Schroeder, Brazil in Christian ministry at QUEST. Today they share encouraging stories of how God is living and active through His…
Resisting Temptation Both Joseph and Potiphar's wife were tempted. Both Joseph and Potiphar's wife are in pursuit of their heart's greatest desire. But as the story is told from each perspective,…
Suffering And Sovereignty When reading the story of Joseph we are constantly reminded that while his story again and again seems to be ending, to be over; Joseph thrown into…
Joseph - Family Dysfunction God's chosen people are not exempt from inheriting and even continuing the flaws, sin, and dysfunction of their families. Yet God is still at work, even…