Spiritual Warfare The Apostle Paul often uses the imagery of war (amour, battles, tactics) when urging his Christian friends to be well prepared and equipped. And thus we have developed…
Counter-Cultural Marriage In just a couple of short paragraphs the Apostle Paul is going to offend pretty much every segment of society. When he describes how Christians are to behave…
Is it believe or behave? The call of Christianity is to a life of both believing and behaving. There is both faith and conduct. Grace and morality. But if you get…
Burden Lifting With Love It is a common complaint that "religion" adds too many burdens or requirements onto people who are already struggling. And if that were true of a Christian…
The Power Of God's Love Toward Us God desires our maturity, our growth, our strength to come from one primary source. His love. In Ephesians 3 Paul explains how he…