Archives: Sermons

Fishers Of Men

November 17, 2019
Fishers of Men When Jesus calls his first disciples to "follow me" and become "fishers of men" what meaning lies behind the metaphor? To understand what Jesus is calling the…


November 10, 2019
Temptation It is easy to skim past the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness with a self-focussed observation. "Jesus was tempted and resisted with scripture, therefore we will be tempted…

Baptism Of Jesus

October 27, 2019
Baptism Of Jesus When John began baptizing in the wilderness he infused the ritual with new meaning and purpose that pointed toward membership and new identity in the kingdom of…


October 20, 2019
Repent Jesus started preaching around 28 A.D. and to understate the obvious, the world has never been the same since. The arrival of Jesus ushered in something new, something history-changing, something that…