Growing Up Into Our Salvation
Group Discussion Starters – Growing into our salvation
1 Peter chapter 2 is primarily about spiritual growth, or gaining in maturity. Read 1 Peter 2 all the way through out loud, have 2 or three people in the group read.
Based on the previous verses of chapter 1, what is the motivation for putting aside these evil things such as malice and slander?
What motivates people to practice deceit and envy and slander?
Look at verses 4-10. Why should we be different now?
Why is Jesus referred to as a living stone?
How are we living stones? In what way are we priests? What sacrifices can we offer that are pleasing to God? Consider Ephesians 4:11-16 in light of this verse, or Romans 12:1.
What is a cornerstone? Look up Isaiah 28:15-16 and consider it’s meaning.
Is Christ the cornerstone/foundation of your life? If we want to examine to see what is the foundation of our life, what could we look at?
Why does verse 8 say that Jesus is a rock of offense and a stone of stumbling?
Finish by reading verse 1 again. Consider what it means to be “not a people” (no identity), and what Peter says our new identity flows from. In the group, share some ways that God has shown mercy in your life, and you can identify as one of His people.