Post Categories

We’ve added post categories to get posts going to the right places on our webpage, if you have something you want to add to a page, and are doing it regularly, like the sunday school message, worship connect, etc, we will be making them as posts and how you tag them will determine where they show up on the site.

  • Adminonly , for just us
  • Bulletins, for just bulletins
  • News, for anything we want to show up in our news feeds, and on our home page in the newsfeed widget, this is for announcements to the whole church, or specific groups that may be of interest to the rest of the church
  • story time – elena’s story time video
  • other children’s video, any other events that are happening during the week get tagged with this category and they will end up on the children’s webpage
  • Sunday school lessons….
  • Sunday service video…
  • uncategorized will still be available as a direct link… but will not show up for people to stumble upon, useful if you need to post things online but only want a handful of people to get it… it WILL STILL BE VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC IF THEY TRY so no confidential stuff…