Missions Trip Report

Nicaragua: February 2017

My name is Victoria Archibald and I went on my second mission trip with Water Ambassadors Canada to Nicaragua this past February 2017. I am so thankful tor the opportunity to participate in these trips, and have developed a passion for serving those in need.

My latest trip was a lot of hard work as we repaired 2-4 wells each day resulting in a total of 12 rusted, contaminated, and broken wells repaired. This equates to 1,680 ft of pipe fed into the ground and access to clean water for thousands of people.

It brought me such joy to talk, laugh, play, and dance with the many children that came to watch us work. In an effort to bless others I was blessed immeasurably in return. Thank you Lakeside family for all of your support both prayerfully and financially.

God Bless