June 30: Church at 9:00 and 10:45

Summer is here and so are new service times. Starting June 30 we will have church at 9:00am and 10:45am. Both services will provide child care up to grade 5, the same music, prayer, and message… so you can choose freely and not miss out on anything. Live streaming time…

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RightNow Media Library

RightNow Media is now available through Lakeside Church!  It is a platform that offers over 25,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, and churches.  It offers safe kid-friendly shows. RightNow media apps are available for your phone, computer and smart TV.  This is a free resource that Lakeside provides for family and…

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Family Gym Night Schedule

Family Gym Nights take place many Fridays at Haliburton Highlands Secondary School. The whole family is invited for open play and organized sports. (Adults on one side of the gym, kids on the other). Burn off some steam, lose weight, sharpen your vollyball and badminton skills, dodge a ball, wear…

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Stations of the Cross 2023

2023 Stations Of The Cross Map and Tour Guide is now available to download here. Please use this guide to find each art installation, read the description of the work, the accompanying scripture and meditate on the questions provided.  2023 Map and Guide     Our Vision It is the…

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Self and Family Care Resources

A few resources we have put together that you may find helpful during this time. Mental Health:  Henry Cloud seminars on RightNow Media (Contact the office if you do not yet have your free access to our subscription.)Changes That Heal (5 sessions):  https://www.rightnowmedia.org/Content/Series/1038Changes That Heal (11 short videos):  https://www.rightnowmedia.org/Content/Series/327592 Depression: www.desiringgod.org/messages/spiritual-depression-in-the-psalms…

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