Church Directory

Church Directory: A new directory in is process. Please take a minute and complete the information sheet provided  in the bulletin. Once completed return it to Wendy Ogilvie’s care card folder. Or e-mail your information to the office (

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Love A Student program

Students – if you will be studying out of town this fall, consider being part of the LOVE A STUDENT program. We will match you up with a sponsor who will pray for you and send you notes, cards and goodies throughout the year! Contact Pastor Paul for more info…

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Men’s Study – Wild At Heart

Wild. Dangerous.Alive! Are these the attributes of a godly man? Think back to your boyhood: Remember the boyhood dreams that had you tracking dangerous villains, swinging swords, and storming the castle? Adventure is what God planned for you. John Eldredge invites you to join him in this passionate, daring, and…

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Missions Update

Attention those going viagra generico guadalajaraviagra generico sintomasviagra cialis billiginterazione viagra pompelmo on short term mission trips There is funding available to support any individuals who are planning to go on short term mission trips. Application forms are available at the Missions Kiosk. For more information, contact Gerry Moraal at…

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